July 2018 bookmarks

Design backgrounds are over-rated
For strategic, systems and service design at least, design backgrounds are over-rated. If you insist on recruiting only “talent” with such backgrounds, you will dramatically reduce your chances of finding candidates with the skills required design and deliver change.
Responsive Blue Note Album sleeves recreated in the browser using HTML and CSS
Over the last few months I’ve been busying myself trying to re-create some of Reid Miles iconic album sleeves  in the browser.
How to make Accessible Animated Images
Animated images can really enhance user experience and understanding, but there are limitations. If they’re not designed in an accessible way, GIFs can be distracting or could even cause seizures. To make sure your animated images are safe and accessible for all, here’s what you need to know.
Planting the Service Design Seeds at CBC
Hi there ?, thanks for stopping by! My name is Hira and I’m excited to introduce the Service Design practice at CBC. We define Service Design as a human-centred approach to creating and delivering holistic, seamless audience experiences across the CBC ecosystem.
Keeping in touch helps me feel like me
So, how have I used my time, what are the challenges you face as the mother of a young baby away from work, and how have I tackled them? I’ve thought of myself as a member of two minority groups for quite some time - a woman and a member of the LGBT community.
Data Access
The GB1900 project computerised all the place names and other text on the Second Edition County Series six-inch-to-one-mile maps covering the whole of Great Britain, published by the Ordnance Survey between 1888 and 1914 -- 1900 for short.
Leadership Style Colors
Search for “leadership styles” on Google, and you’ll find lots of different articles describing the various types and numbers of leadership styles. Here are some examples of articles that say there are five, six, seven, eight, nine, and twelve leadership styles.
What's New in WCAG 2.1
This page lists the new success criteria in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. It includes quotes from personas (fictional people) to help you understand some aspects of the success criteria.
Pattern Library First: An Approach For Managing CSS
Upgrade your inbox and get our editors’ picks twice a month. CSS can be hard to manage across a project, especially when you need to include media queries for various breakpoints and fallbacks for older browsers.
Lifecycle: a simple service design mapping technique
Being a part of an in-house service design team in the BBC comes with a lot of perks. I get to work on many complex and exciting projects, with a wide range of stakeholders. Every project is an opportunity to explore something new.
3 questions everybody should know the answer to
Whatever you’re working on, it probably needs to be delivered quickly. There are always deadlines that need to be met, stakeholders who need to be managed, and meetings that need to be booked. In all the rush of the day-to-day, it’s often hard to work out what really needs to be achieved.
Data visualisation: A one-day workshop
Learn how to transform data into beautiful infographics at this hands-on workshop with our data visualisation experts Adam Frost and Tobias SturtDates: Multiple dates availableTimes: Full-day course, 10am-4pm Whether you’re working on a presentation, a website or teaching materia
Readability guidelines
Not brand or tone of voice just the mechanics of the language that are usually in style guides. So how to write a date or numerals vs numbers.  But the term ‘style guide’ seems to mean different things to different people.
Outcome-based service mapping
At the Department for Work and Pensions in the UK government, I work with many teams who are currently tasked with replacing internal systems and improving the staff experience.
Making Data Viz Without SVG Using D3 & Flexbox
Bye bye tricky alignments. A few months ago, my co-worker Matt and I were collaborating on a project. I had been building a stacked bar chart in D3.js, and was seriously struggling to get the bars to stack on top of each other nicely and to animate from the bottom of the graphic instead of the top.
Feedback Equation
As I mention in my book Demystifying Public Speaking, humans are mostly bad at giving feedback. We’re also really bad at preparing ourselves to receive feedback. Many of us are paralyzed by the fear of having these awkward conversations.
Interview in Offscreen Magazine
Last year I was interviewed by the mercurial Kai Brach for his magazine Offscreen, which seeks to highlight the human side of technology, and does so in style. You should subscribe.
Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet
Over 1 million Webmentions will have been sent across the internet since the specification was made a full Recommendation by the W3C—the standards body that guides the direction of the web—in early January 2017.
Beyond 800 words: prototyping new story formats for news
News on the internet is largely served up as 500 to 800-word articles — a legacy of newspapers. Although the digital article has been enhanced and improved with new technologies, it still works on the assumption that ‘one size fits all’.
Sara Soueidan – Freelance front-end Web developer, author & speaker
Yesterday I was working on creating the slides and accompanying demos for my upcoming Web Directions Code talk next week. One of the demos I’m creating is a basic proof of concept for a simple switch that is used to switch the theme of a UI from light to dark and vice versa.
WCAG 2.0 Primer alpha
This document will help you get up to speed with WCAG 2.0 quickly and avoid common mistakes people make when creating or updating web content. You will find this really helpful if you design, build or create web content.
Your Body Text Is Too Small
Body text is the key component in communicating the main bulk of a message or story, and it’s probably the most important element on a website, even if people sometimes read just the headlines.