The New ABCs of Research by Ben Schneiderman

Working at Swansea University has its benefits. I was invited along to a lecture by Ben Schneiderman recently, one of the authors of Designing the User Interface. Here are my rough notes from his talk.

New Book: The New ABCs of Research

Ben was promoting his new book The New ABCs of Research.

New research context

The old model of research needs to be updated, because we are facing new challenges:

  1. Immense challenges in the 21st Century (e.g. healthcare)
  2. New tools like the web, social media, visual communication
  3. Raised ambitions and expectations about what can be accomplished in a short period of time

Research strategies

Some of the principles and tips from his talk:

  • work on real world problems
  • work with actual practitioners
  • we are witnessing a growing movement in design
  • design is as important as science and engineering
  • talk to real users and have empathy
  • the best way to promote your ideas is to write well
  • publish in open, accessible, free ways
  • form teams with diverse individuals and organisations
  • do something small soon… it’s the path to larger things
  • be social and be engaged with the wider community

“do something small soon… it’s the path to larger things”
Ben Schneiderman