A MacBook Pro lid covered in colourful, mostly circular stickers.

The stickers on my laptop

Here are the descriptions for each of the stickers on my laptop lid right now. Descriptions go from top-left to bottom-right.

Daliwch ati
The welsh translation of “keep going”
International design in government
A conference and community of designers working in government around the world
The content management system behind the ONS (Office for National Statistics) website
Be bold
From What if boldness were an explicit value of the civil service? by Janet Hughes
Customise my data beta
A mission patch for a project at ONS (Office for National Statistics), designed by Tom
Smiley face
A hand drawn smiley face on a blue dot sticker
From a set Andy brought in
One Team Gov
The One Team Gov logo
A pixelated Apple keyboard command icon from The Icon Handbook
Users First
A classic GDS (Government Digital Service) motto
Make data part of the web
One that I designed, based Leigh Doddsopen data publishing principles
Better government by design #oneteamgov
A One Team Gov motto
UX Wales
A UX (user experience) meet-up in Cardiff
Change takes time
Part of the Practical Action set by Alyson Fielding
Making data meaningful for everyone
Designed by Carlie for the ONS (Office for National Statistics) digital content team
Data discovery alpha
A mission patch for a project at ONS (Office for National Statistics), designed by me
You are not the user
By Marianthi Makra
Cake driven development
Part of a set from DXW
Build the right thing
From Pilot Works
A coveted shiny “hashtag of the government” – I think maybe Laura saved this one for me?
ONS (Office for National Statistics)
The ONS logo mark, which I’ve just realised has been put on the wrong way round – there goes my chance of getting head of design one day
What is the user need?
Another classic GDS (Government Digital Service) sticker
Go where the users are
I designed this one whilst I was working at Leadin – a Finnish service design agency that have now been bought out by Gofore
Loyal to the network
I found this one in the sticker tub in work – based on a post by Jukesie
ONS design team
One that the ONS (Office for National Statistics) design team designed and printed in-house
Medical notifications and renewal service alpha
A mission patch from the first service I worked on at DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency)