Vicky Teinaki

I was shocked and saddened to hear the news last Sunday that Vicky Teinaki had passed away. I don't think I'd ever met Vicky in real life, but I'd followed her online for many years, and thought of her as a web friend.

I first saw Vicky speak at a user research meet-up in DVLA in 2016. We chatted every now and then on Twitter and Slack, then later via Bluesky. I was a big fan of her blog posts and weeknotes. She was one of the best at writing about interaction design and I learnt a lot from her.

I think she really embodied the spirit of public service design and working in the open. I'll miss her presence in this community, but I'm sure that her knowledge, experience and achievements will continue to be helpful and influential for many, many years.

My thoughts are with her family, friends and team-mates.

A few others have written great tributes to Vicky here: