Weeknotes – series 06 episode 13

Framed posters on a wall. The middle one says: welcome to the cavern the world’s greatest rock ‘n’ roll club. A small plaque below it says they were designed by Tony Booth. The brick wall in the background is completely covered in signatures. The room is quite dark but bathed in cool, blue light.

Posting from my phone again today as we’ve gone to Liverpool for a friend’s 40th.

It’s been a week of highs and lows.

My Gran’s funeral

It was my Gran’s funeral on Monday, a sad day but she had lived a full life. I enjoyed hearing more about what she achieved.


Some better news was that I found out I’d passed my 3 month probation at Made Tech. It’s always nice to pass milestones like that, but especially nice now as it unlocks some things like the pension scheme and my sign on bonus. Should be useful for paying our energy bill.

Service design in gov

I’ve been following along with the service design in gov news on Twitter.

Some friends from Made Tech, Tom and Vicky, both spoke there. Looking forward to finding out more about how it went.

Plus it was nice to hear that the work of the inclusive design team at UKHSA got a couple of mentions, from Soh-yon Park and Claudia Hopkins and Katy Beale.